Wednesday, September 23, 2009

livin la vida czech

Cyber followers!

Things here in Prague are spectacular, I couldn't have chosen a better place. I know it wasn't my first choice, but some cosmic force certainly destined me to be here.
Haven't started "real" classes yet, but the 5 hour a day Czech intensive course is plenty, trust me... I have my final exam tomorrow, keep fingers and toes crossed for me! I think all I'll really be able to say after this class is "beer" and "ice cream" - but honestly, what more could a girl need?

Let's see... a recap.
Went to the zoo on Saturday with some amigos. It was very entertaining, though they had an abundance of bird species and we had trouble finding the other animals... I kept searching for the elephants, as elephants are terribly awkward and therefore unbearably adorable- but kept finding birds instead. I'm happy to say I did find them, however- and the experience was ever so magical.

Wandered around Little Side by myself for about 6 hours on Sunday.. Stumbled upon a rather random yet enjoyable nature preserve-type of place, did some trail climbing, sat and enjoyed an apple and the view- 'twas rather lovely. Met some fellow Americanas to watch the Pats vs. Jets game at a Sports bar in New Town, as I've been jonesing for some good old-fashioned American brutality! The game was rather disappointing, however... but the company was good, and that's a good consolation prize.

Other than that, been doing the Czech thing and experimenting in my tiny, yet somewhat efficient kitchen.

First meal made-

Oh yeah, boiling that tortellini!

Finished product- not terrible if I do say so myself. So I had that for dinner... 4 nights in a row.

Started feeling like I was getting scurvy.
Ergo, I decided to branch out and buy some veggies. Here's what I came up with-

Veggie stirfry with curry. Yummmmmm. It is much more delicious than it looks, and I think it looks pretty darn good!

Also keep in mind- I make food in a kitchen with two tiny burners and a sink. That's all! Also, there's only one plug. Ergo, I have to unplug our minifridge (for 4 girls who each cook independently) to use the stove. Sometimes, a roommate forgets to pug the fridge back in, and the icebox melts all over the food. Woot!

BUT! I chalk it up to life experience. I'm having the time of my life, and no longer feel like I'm getting scurvy. I'm a happy girlie :)

Wish me luck on my test!



Thursday, September 17, 2009


Ahoj, Kamrades!

So I'm learning Czech, and I have to say... this is a severely convoluted language! Letters that make two sounds at the same time, whole sentences made entirely from consonants... it's loca! But, I'm doing it- it's just going to take time until I can actually form a coherent sentence and not sound like a bumbling imbecile.

I went to the opera last night..! Sooo amazing. And the program paid for it, which was even nicer ;)

It was Figaro (the marriage of Figaro, to be accurate) which is the sequel to the Barber of Seville. It was melodramatic, over-the-top, and absolutely glorious! I stole a couple pictures from a friend (my camera charger still hasn't gotten here!) so I finally have pictures to show everyone!

It was amazing.... so amazing! I'm going to Aida in 2 weeks, and Carmen next month!

Other than that, not much to report... Except that I'm living in a spectacular city, and I'm trying to soak up as much as possible!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

who needs napa valley?

Loyal readers,

Prague and I are getting along famously... I'm definitely a fan. Though it is definitely a different experience for me when people don't respond or warm up to politeness. I consider myself a fairly polite person, or so I've always been told. Here however, that seems to have little to no merit. Perhaps I just need to learn to be polite in the correct language... hmm. Well, Czech lessons begin in the morning, so let my education in central European charm begin!

Let's see... I've burned through nearly 10 rolls of film in less than 2 weeks.. expensive hobbies I have! Last week I visited a few small villages several hours outside of Prague, learned to make Czech ceramics- pretty glorious. I personally made a little laughing Buddha statue, but hey, to each their own!

We made stir-fry, pretty tasty stuff. Made the boys clean up- we'll see how long we can keep that up. And by the way, this whole having-a-pub-in-the-dorm-basement-thing is suuuuuuuper dangerous, I'm finding out. Especially when the bartender keeps bringing you beers you never asked for. Oy. AND they're cheap (and good!) on top of that- like I said, dangerous. My friends have attempted to hang out there first before going out a few times... Yeah, they never make it out.
I've started getting forceful with said bartender- no means no, dude!

This past weekend, our program took us out to the territory of Moravia, which is East of Prague. It was once its own country, but joined Bohemia and the Czech territory sometime back in the day to form one uber country! Famous for wine and catholic churches, both of which we saw and sampled plenty of. Especially dangerous is the "baby wine" which is new wine that is still fermenting. Therefore, it is very thick, very sweet, and VERY easy to drink. But if you drink too much, you'll hate yourself. Baby wine gives off lots of gas and air- which is why it ferments where the air can escape. Put it in a plastic bottle with the cap closed, and 30 minutes later you'll have a nice explosion of baby wine all over. The same thing can happen in your body- not pleasant.
We all were very careful with the baby wine.
Or at least, most of us..

Did alot of driving all over Moravia, and it reminded me somewhat of Tuscany; except perhaps a bit more communist.. Took lots of pictures, saw many small villages and sights, very eventful.

Stayed in the former capitol, Brno. Saw the famous Mendel museum; a whole hall filled with information about peas. I can honestly say, it was the most interesting pea museum I have ever seen, or ever plan to see. Truly riveting stuff.

Drove back to Prague, and here I am- recounting it for Lord knows who. It was a good trip, surprisingly relaxing, as I decided to be nice to my still-slightly aching knee and stay at the hotel and sleep rather than go out. Shocking, I know- but I have been known to make reasonable decisions on the rare occasion.

And now, I find myself gravititating toward my bed and/or pillow, so I bid you all adue, and will write again soon!



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dobry den, Praha.

Cyber space enthusiasts-

Seriously. I'm happier than a fat kid in a cupcake shop! I'm getting amazing pictures, can't wait to have them printed.

I'm walking more than I ever have in my life, and my knee might scream in protest- but i will soldier on! I already somewhat know my way around, and my student transport pass is definitely the wisest investment anyone could ever dream up. My travel comrades and myself have just been spending the past few days acclimating ourselves with the city, with each other, meeting other students- generally having a swell time.

Went to my first concentration camp today... intense. Took down tons of notes to research, though. It was fascinating and extremely sobering at the same time. I suppose I better get used to it if I plan on making this my life's study, though. It was just different to see it in person, to experience firsthand the ghettos and the camp life. Wow.

On a lighter note, I'm going to teach English! I've been recruited to go to a local grammar school and to help teach the children some basic English. Hopefully they will help me with Czech in the process...! I also might volunteer at the Jewish Museum of Prague, we'll see. These internships could count for credit at Drake, as well as look great on my resume for Americorps, so I don't see the downfall!

Tomorrow I head off to a rural castle somewhere, tour it, then learn to make czech pottery for the low low price of 200crowns! (roughly $12) Should be a good time, and make for an interesting souvenior.

Making dinner in the apartments tonight, we've gone out way too much!



Saturday, September 5, 2009

guten tag!

Howdy do, familia and amigos! Munich was spectacular, if perhaps a bit too short a visit.

5 am check out yesterday morning... ouch. Had to pay 35pounds for my extra bag, because no one told me we only allowed one checked bag on British Airways!!! Grr. But, it's a small price to pay for fresh underwear each day.

Got a tiny bit of food poisoning from eggs I ate at the London airport, but not as bad as my buddies Kari and Jordan- they were out of commission all day... ouch. Went around Munich on the bus about an hour, then walked for another several. I'm getting some fantastic 35mm shots here, of the amazing architecture and of my fellow world trailblazers. Digital camera charger is ordered and on its way, so digital photos should be happening in the very near future!

Explored Munich last night, saw their most famous brewery, guided the drunkies home- got a decent night's sleep in my twin bed of the hostel- all in all, a winner evening!

Bus ride to Prague this morning, made it here a little while ago. Finally in Prague! :) Setting up my room, exploring the city with a group this evening. You know, get into a fight, get picked up by the Czech secret police, be held underground a few months as a security risk- that kind of thing. Just another Friday night.

Hope everyone back home is doing alright, love yall!



Thursday, September 3, 2009

mind the gap

Wary readers-

London!! My first time here, and it's amazing.

So I flew out of Chicago at 6.05pm, 8 hours on a plane with about an hour total of sleep thanks to my elbowy-with-loud-music neighbor, and arrived in London in their A.M. But I met some interesting girlies on the same flight from the program, so of course bonding ensued and it was all just fine.

We arrived at the hotel, ready for a shower and a nap, only to be told we'd have to wait 3 hours. Okeydoke, angry concierge with a God complex, we'll just go have breakfast. Tried fried eggs on toast- wasn't terrible. Of course I added salt and tobasco to make it such, but that's irrelevent. Walked around Gloucester Road a bit, saw the natural history museum- pretty sweet. Went back to the hotel on time, still not ready. So naturally, it was time for our first London beer. Finally got into the room, crashed for a few hours

Met some more cool kids, had a grand time. Had a welcome drink, then proceeded to take the tube (british-speak for subway!) to Piccadilly circus. No clowns on stilts, but instead a very brightly lit tourist spot similar to Times Square. Had fish and chips at a pub, then a few pints... well, you know. Got back to the hotel, went to their pub. Seeing a trend?

Crashed in bed!

Sight-seeing today, saw all we could. Filled 2 rolls of color film, half a black and white. I'd post my digital pictures, but it turns out- I LEFT MY CORD IN AMERICA. It's packed away, I don't even know which box, couldn't tell you if I tried, Mama... So, I'm ordering one, and we see.

Having one pint with guys (the feminist in me has such a problem with this turn-of-phrase, but it's convenient..) then it's off to bed, as we have to be ready to go to Munich in the morning at 5am. Ouch.

I think that's all for know, folks- more soon!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Leaving today!

Friends, family, and web surfers of all nationalities and temperaments-
I leave today!

This blog is to post pictures and updates about my trip and many sidetrips therein. I will do my best to update often, at least once a week.

At precisely 6.05pm, central standard time (in the grand ol' US of A) this evening, I will be on a plane to London Heathrow airport. 5 hours of sleep is all I can hope for on the plane- with help from gratuitous Nyquil use- and then I'll arive around 8.25am local time. It's 6 hours ahead, so my poor mother will be getting a collect call at around 2.30am to let her know I've arrived.. sorry, Mama!

I have somehow fit my entire life (4 months worth, at least) into two 50lb bags, my huge travel backpack, and my school messenger bag- with room to spare! 3 pairs of shoes, people. Only 3! Anyone who knows me well, knows I have no less than 9 pairs of converse I wear regularly, so this is going to be a change for me. Oh, the things I sacrifice in the name of world traveling.. :)

I will not have my Iphone on this trip, so don't call it! I'm getting a phone as soon as I arrive in Prague in a few days, and I'll post that number here when I get it.

Well that's all for now, I have to finish getting myself prepared. Though truthfully I've been packing and repacking for a month now... hehe.

