Been a bit, I need to rack my brain to see if I remember back far enough to give a full recap... Though to be honest, much beer has been consumed during that span of time, so my memory may be just the teenist bit foggy. But alas, the internet waits for no woman! (that's right, woman!)
So last Tuesday, my lovely kamaradka Katie and I decided we deserved a break from the constant veggie stirfry my hotplate so frequently produces and that we were going to make tacos. Oh yes- tacos. Dare I admit, this seemed a feat almost too big for one tiny Prague kitchen- but we were not afraid! After a near excruciating 2 hour class disecting Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being, we marched over to the market within our favorite metro station to assemble our ingredients. Tortillas, lettuce, tomatoes, shredded cheese of some czech variety, and meat with a cow on it that seemed safe. But what is "Mexican" food without chips and salsa? Guac? So we ventured upon these questionable items as well. To sum it up, the guacamole tasted strongly of dill pickles, the salsa like pasta sauce- but the tacos? The tacos were surprisingly glorious... Just doused them in hot sauce, and we were happy campers.
The ingredients-
Then this past weekend, my good friend Jake came over from France (he's studying on the lovely European land mass as well) for the weekend. I did my best to be a good tourguide, though I'm not sure I did a very good job... However, Jake is so amiable toward everything I could have taken him to a knitting class full of crochity old Czech woman and he still would have been exceedingly enthusiastic about the experience.. Took him to the castle, made him food on my magic hot plate, flea marketing, went out with some of my Czech (or rather, Ex French and Americans that live in Prague) friends, and generally had a good time.
And then Halloween happened.
Wonderful, crazy, ridiculous Halloween- in all it's drunken glory. I don't mean us, we weren't quite so thick as to think that would be a good idea- I mean everyone around us. We mistakenly went to a college student party at a club over in Prague 4, thinking it would be fun. Which it was, after we got in- we had to wait an hour to get in, as the place was so packed! Bloody zombies, scantily clad girlies (and a surprising amount of gentlemen) and ravaged creatures of all sorts in every corner of the place- it was crazy! But we finally found some familiar faces and danced a good portion of the night away. Evidence below-

Then Sunday morning got there before it seemed humanly possible, and it was time for Jake to leave. But he was a wonderful guest, found the air mattress I managed to scrounge up to be a luxurious slumber area, and made my time here in Prague that much better. :)
This week was midterms, I wrote my first paper in 6 months! Oh, how my microsoft word was getting lonely... But not to worry, I got through it quick and simple! ... Right? Well, I got through it at least, and that's what counts! I won't deny it was a difficult task, getting back in the swing of ACTUAL schoolwork... the first real assignment I've had since May... haha.
But I do believe I rocked the aforementioned assignment. It was a critical film review of Dreyer's 1928 Passion of Joan of Arc. Don't believe me? Just read this! -
"When her judges are speaking to her, screaming questions and accusations, they are never cast in the frame with her; thus the film’s non-linear nature again disallows the viewer to see Joan as a creature capable of empathy. She is her own entity, something incapable of evoking feelings of empathy, as you are unable to put yourself into her position. So is Dryer’s Joan meant to be a spiritual figure, and consequently a reminder of Christ like martyrdom, or is she merely a case study in suffering and cinematic expression?"
Had a test in Jewish History today, it was relatively simple. Ergo, Erin gets back into the swing of schoolwork! But considering I only have 3 papers for the rest of the semester, and they aren't due for another month and a half, I might be inclined to backslide just a bit..
Anyhow, I believe that's as complete a recap as I'm able to reiterate, so I bid you and this blog Ahoj and am off to bigger and better things! (meaning of course, a movie on my laptop and bed.)
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