Thursday, October 1, 2009

laundry mat in my kitchen

Heya, loyal readers!

So, an update on my strange yet thoroughly entertaining courtship of Prague!

Last weekend I visited an enormous flea market (or rather, a levné tržnice) with my roommate, Jill. It was amazing! However, being the late risers we are, we didn't arrive until 45 minutes before everything was to be closed up... so naturally, there wasn't too much left. However! I did manage to snag a fully-functioning old-fashioned Czech 35mm camera that looks to be from the 60's or 70's. For only 100 crowns- but wait! While that sounds like a mini-fortune to starving colege student like myself, may I just point out that 100 crowns (or korun) is only about $6.50 American?
I will be returning this weekend to see what else I can steal out from under their noses... heehee.

I explored by myself again on Sunday, I find this becoming a regular occurance. And I'm alright with it :) It's nice to explore with people, but when I'm on my own I can go at my own pace and venture down certain unmarked streets and see things I might otherwise miss.

Classes started this week, and it looks to be simultaneously elementary and stimulatin
g. A perfect combination from my perspective! They will be interesting, but not too strenuous, so I'll still have time to enjoy myself. (let's just hope the universe doesn't explode from this paradox!)
I decided to take a Czech language course, so I can stop sounding like an ignorant American tourist, and more like someone who actually lives here. Because I do, you know :):)

What else... Oh! So laundry is rather expensive here, so I have taken to turning our meager little kitchen into a lovely little laundry mat. See, isn't it glorious?-

When in Prague, right?

I believe that's all for right this moment... More soon!


Erinko (Czech endearment)

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