Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dobry den, Praha.

Cyber space enthusiasts-

Seriously. I'm happier than a fat kid in a cupcake shop! I'm getting amazing pictures, can't wait to have them printed.

I'm walking more than I ever have in my life, and my knee might scream in protest- but i will soldier on! I already somewhat know my way around, and my student transport pass is definitely the wisest investment anyone could ever dream up. My travel comrades and myself have just been spending the past few days acclimating ourselves with the city, with each other, meeting other students- generally having a swell time.

Went to my first concentration camp today... intense. Took down tons of notes to research, though. It was fascinating and extremely sobering at the same time. I suppose I better get used to it if I plan on making this my life's study, though. It was just different to see it in person, to experience firsthand the ghettos and the camp life. Wow.

On a lighter note, I'm going to teach English! I've been recruited to go to a local grammar school and to help teach the children some basic English. Hopefully they will help me with Czech in the process...! I also might volunteer at the Jewish Museum of Prague, we'll see. These internships could count for credit at Drake, as well as look great on my resume for Americorps, so I don't see the downfall!

Tomorrow I head off to a rural castle somewhere, tour it, then learn to make czech pottery for the low low price of 200crowns! (roughly $12) Should be a good time, and make for an interesting souvenior.

Making dinner in the apartments tonight, we've gone out way too much!



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