Thursday, September 17, 2009


Ahoj, Kamrades!

So I'm learning Czech, and I have to say... this is a severely convoluted language! Letters that make two sounds at the same time, whole sentences made entirely from consonants... it's loca! But, I'm doing it- it's just going to take time until I can actually form a coherent sentence and not sound like a bumbling imbecile.

I went to the opera last night..! Sooo amazing. And the program paid for it, which was even nicer ;)

It was Figaro (the marriage of Figaro, to be accurate) which is the sequel to the Barber of Seville. It was melodramatic, over-the-top, and absolutely glorious! I stole a couple pictures from a friend (my camera charger still hasn't gotten here!) so I finally have pictures to show everyone!

It was amazing.... so amazing! I'm going to Aida in 2 weeks, and Carmen next month!

Other than that, not much to report... Except that I'm living in a spectacular city, and I'm trying to soak up as much as possible!

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