Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Leaving today!

Friends, family, and web surfers of all nationalities and temperaments-
I leave today!

This blog is to post pictures and updates about my trip and many sidetrips therein. I will do my best to update often, at least once a week.

At precisely 6.05pm, central standard time (in the grand ol' US of A) this evening, I will be on a plane to London Heathrow airport. 5 hours of sleep is all I can hope for on the plane- with help from gratuitous Nyquil use- and then I'll arive around 8.25am local time. It's 6 hours ahead, so my poor mother will be getting a collect call at around 2.30am to let her know I've arrived.. sorry, Mama!

I have somehow fit my entire life (4 months worth, at least) into two 50lb bags, my huge travel backpack, and my school messenger bag- with room to spare! 3 pairs of shoes, people. Only 3! Anyone who knows me well, knows I have no less than 9 pairs of converse I wear regularly, so this is going to be a change for me. Oh, the things I sacrifice in the name of world traveling.. :)

I will not have my Iphone on this trip, so don't call it! I'm getting a phone as soon as I arrive in Prague in a few days, and I'll post that number here when I get it.

Well that's all for now, I have to finish getting myself prepared. Though truthfully I've been packing and repacking for a month now... hehe.



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